The Figgs don't mess around. The ricochet of the guitar dives out of the box like a well groomed Thoroughbred Similar to a horse trained to race hard and fast, The Figgs come at you with gritty abandon. The Figgs stil have their loyal fan bases gathered since the 90s, I believe because they still clingto their 90s roots with renegade guitar riffs, heady bass lines and driving and lyrics that sweat. "Grab Your Pack" is ripe with lyrics that to me feel like their take on the current world climate. The ricochet of the Mike's guitar fires back at you with frenetic urgency. Pete leans in with his ripped edges style of bass playing.
"Pressed white suit. A well groomed 'stache. Better exhale before your lungs collapse." They rattle into harmonizing that sounds like a well worn sigh. Just hours before they were singing and dancing now they are covered in plastic. I pictured a posh pool party that comes to a hurried halt with crushing results no one anticipated.
The guitars rip much like the sound design on their song "Chinese Handcuffs" and "Chased". This song doesn't let up. It's in your face as the Figgs climb their musical soap box. This song reads like a warning. Something is up Something is happening. "It's time to go/Everybody panic" A life boat of a song. We have to out of here now. They were waiting for help but no help arrived. Now they are on the roof with no place to hide The added pervasive percussion towards the 3 minute mark rushes the already frenetic pace. "Grab Your Pack" sizzles out in a rich quick stop.
"The worlds are mess. It's in my head. Pull the covers tight. Go back to bed" My exact reation to the news which is why I listen to so much music. I especially gravitate to music catering to my admiration of driving guitar coupled with message heavy lyrics. The Figgs keep their 90s vibe while sliding into the contemporary. 32 years and going strong. That's a testament to a solid edgy rock n roll band that bends and weaves with the times.
What's in your pack?
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