Strange we got nothing to talk about

Now Not Now
Nothing new just the same old shit
"Dirty Drains" casts a light on the fierce reality of daily angst. The eclectic duo Dawn Drapes crafted a timely song and video that depicts the downward spiral of a marriage as well the discomfort of falling into a blase routine. "Strange we have nothing to talk about/ Now Not Now..... Nothing new just the same old shit"
The video depicts what happens when the new becomes familiar. The drivel of the daily grind eats you up and you spit it out. when love is gone and A relationship in tatters. The video centers around a young married couple obviously caught in a grind at least from the perspective of the deeply unhappy wife. She gets up when her husband is coming home in the early hours of morning. She rises as the alarm beeps. They are going through the motions. She is hurdling her own emotions. "It's a feeling I can't escape".
The couple reside in an airy modern day West Elm furnished apartment. Things are in place. The only thing that is out of place is the wife who weaves her facial expressions with her heavy walk as methodically moves from chore to chore. Rise, coffee, laundry, dinner, bed REPEAT.
They sit at the table with coffee mugs in front of them. He reads the paper. She stares mournfully ahead. No words are exchanged. The short vignette shows her pouring the coffee down the dirty drain. She does it in rote motion. Another scene shows getting dressed up in a sage green dress complete with high black pumps. She carefully applies and artfully adjust her jewelry. She sits alone at a table set for two. Her husband doesn't show. she pours the wine until the dishes are smashed to the floor. Her suppressed anger flies forward in her fit of rage. Her frustration intensifies when she finds something in his pockets. She fantasizes about tossing his garments over the porch railing while letting out righteous wail. Her husbands graces her with a simple forehead peck as he leaves again. She is alone again naturally. "So scared of speaking aloud/Bite my tongue back in my mouth".
I love how the Dawn Drapes appear in the video in different rooms. Guitar players aka as the proverbial flies on the wall. They shred while she sulks. "Dirty Drain" is definite depiction of a modern relationship going nowhere.
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