The Scientists The post punk psychedelic music of the late 60s spurred the Scientists, out of Perth, to create disjointed loud sounds. Their sound is anything but smooth. Their 3 minutes and under songs feels like a dash of the Ramones and drip of The Church. This band has no trouble advertising tat they have no idea what the fuck they are dong. They are erratic, erroneous and elegiac I sincerely love a band with no real agenda. There is an organic rebellion to structure and form in their musical endeavors. Kim Salmon, the edgy front man of he Scientists, has been stood up and he's not going to take it. This under the radar gem is A jaunty song about getting jilted on date night is both comical and fucking true. Ever stand around in your Friday night best waiting and checking the door of the place you were to meet only to slink out in dashed hopes and embarrassing defeat. You know people were wondering why you are sitting on the bar stool alone. Ouch. THe Sci...
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