“You can drive your car though a padded bazar/ You can
shoot your gun at the back of the sun” Gyasi sings these opening lyrics with
his typical rumpled red velvet sound. His voice sounds like you can wear it to
an underground after party. You can’t
take your eyes of the bewitching Gyasi in his slick, erogenous
video, “Tongue Tied”. It made me conjure up the opening scene in “Blow Up”.
Where Veruka does her writing on the ground with the striking David Hemmings as
the lustful photographer, bossing her around to vamp it up for a stimulating shot.
The female object of desire slithers around
his erotic aura with feline grace. She contours her body into various double jointed
postures. Hazed out gauzy lighting, carnal color schemes, and both parties
donning skin tight clothing. Both of which can pull off the part. Her one-piece
jumpsuit covers every part of her and this is more arousing than a shot of
ass. He wears snakeskin pants clinging
to his lanky legs. No shirt plus a LeStat meets the queen of adrogyne, Patti Smith,like blazer. Yet
still one would be hard pressed to say who is prettier. Yet in all his glam androgyny, Gyasi’s
movements are definitely doused with James Dean bravura. James clearly had that
“It factor” as he could steal a scene by simply moving from side of the room to
another. Gyasi has the same alluring manner.
He owns this video just like he owns his
guitar playing panache. He caresses the strings with his long lady like
fingers. His sound is ripe with hints of blues meshing with riff centric
glam rock. Harmonica sounds are sprinkled at the halfway mark. The song begins with a drum bang and loaded riff that reminded me a
Black Keys song. I can’t put my finger on it. ThBut the Keys have a distinctive
sound. Gyasi mixes up his styles on the tracks. It reminds me of what I imagine
David Bowie’s closet looked like when he was younger. One day he reaches for
his favorite skirt. The next day a fitted suit with an ascot might be the way
he leaves the house to shock and rock.
“You can shake your hips scream
and yell/Wet your lips at the bottom of hell....
You can groom your dog/You can train your cat” is my favorite lyric of the song because of the clever word play. He could have a double major in songwriting and guitar shredding.
You can groom your dog/You can train your cat” is my favorite lyric of the song because of the clever word play. He could have a double major in songwriting and guitar shredding.
There is nothing you can do when she saunters
insouciantly into the room with that familiar perfume. You will always get
tongue tied. He flicks the last chord to a hard stop. He turns on his platform heels
and ambles toward the door knowing you want more. What a little tease J
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