I heard yet another melancholy song by a young female singer songwriter. I am going to leave out names only because it is my first foray into this type of music critiquing and I don't want to make enemies, yet. The song relied on the morbidity of depression "I am so sad / I am so blue" Oh for God's sake why are you so depressed all the time. I mean you could have got e to that hypnotherapist your ex lover gave you 1500 bucks for sessions and you only went once. Natalie Merchant of Ten Thousand Manicas crafted a song about depression "Like The Weather" If you really don't dive into the lyrics " Well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so I breathe. /Lately it seems this big bed is where I never leave. /Shiver in my bones just thinking about the weather. /Quiver in my voice as I cry," The song has a peppy, danceable vibe. Merchant was always a wonder at creating songs with a pop of snark to alleviate the dark. Aimee Mann is also a maste...
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